nyc diary no.2

2009. 12. 14. 02:48journal

i confess that i actually can type in korean with this computer,
but it seems more reasonable that writing in english in nyc,
even though my english is not that good :-x

today, i met a guy who is origined from france.
we took a cup of coffee together and made a lot of conversations,
conversations about job, economy, politics, astrology, and life.

(in english and also in french! or mixed..)

he emphasized to me the benefit of living in the states.
what a great country the america is.
what an amazing opportunity the america gives to us.

and he also told me about the importance of being poistive.
we don't have to think too much,
sometimes, we just need to go for it without hesitating.

i went to the american museum of natural history.

i saw many things that i've seen at the movie 'night at the museum'
and an imax movie called 'wild ocean' about the wild ocean in south africa.

i don't remember when was the last time that i see an imax movie,
but i'm telling you, it was so amazing.

and there are two things that i realized.

first, i should go to south africa.
second, i'd rather be a whale than other fishs, if i have to choose.

i love this museum more than i expected.
i think i love animals.

oh, and i got a new frined, a little tiny dinosaur.
i think he can be a good friend of my sharky from guam.

yesterday, i went to guggenheim museum and whitney museum.

i get a strong feeling in front of some art works,
and that can makes me even cry.

that's why i love to be at the museum.

the day before yesterday,
i saw 'chicago' the broadway show.

it was soooooooooooooooo awesome.
i could totally understand why the movie 'chicago' was so good.

and do you know who was the main actress?
ashely simpson :-P

maybe it's like to see 옥주현 or 대성 at the musical.
but she was good anyway.

i walked under the rain, today.
i got my feet wet but felt good.

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